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Weekendowy rozkład jazdy!
26 kwietnia, 2024 Author: Łukasz Skw
Wielu z nas jest już myślami przy Majówce, ale zanim nadejdzie, warto spędzić weekend ze sportami walki.
Weekendowy rozkład jazdy!
29 marca, 2024 Author: Łukasz Skw
Przed nami Wielkanoc, ale zanim zasiądziemy do świątecznego stołu, będziemy mieli szansę obejrzeć kilka interesujących walk w boksie i MMA.
Weekendowy rozkład jazdy!
22 marca, 2024 Author: Łukasz Skw
Przed nami nieco spokojniejszy weekend, ale mimo mniejszej ilości wydarzeń, nie zabraknie mocnych, ciekawych zestawień, które mogą skraść...

Boxing shop with equipment for sports and martial arts - Skilspo

We admire your perseverance and persistence. We watch your impressive highs and spectacular lows, always being by your side. We believe more than anyone that you are able to unleash your power in every situation. Because the power of sport is your strength.

MMA Shop is a space for fighters - fighters who have chosen the path of courage. It is a boxing shop for people with extraordinary fortitude, full of faith in their dreams, goal-oriented. We have created it to accompany boxers in moments of triumph, but also in the arduous quest to overcome their own limitations.

Create an image and realise your passion with our help. Fighter shop is a shop with top-of-the-range combat sports equipment, chosen by athletes - for athletes. The Warsaw MMA sports shop is our arena, here we fight for the best boxing products, we select accessories and equipment for martial arts in terms of durability, comfort of use and unique design. If you are ready to strive for success every day - the MMA shop, the only shop of its kind, was created for you.

Combat sports require the strength of a fighter's character, effective work and the best equipment. It is an art of development, a bumpy road we will travel together, without limits.